Chaire de recherche du Canada en ÉPI

Université Laval


Dimitri Thériault est titulaire d’une maîtrise en études internationales de l’Institut des hautes études internationales (Université Laval) et d’un baccalauréat en économie et politique de l’Université Laval. Son mémoire porte sur l'allocation des prêts et des crédits de la Banque mondiale sur trois périodes: guerre froide (1973-1990), post-guerre froide (1991-2000) et post-11 septembre (2001-2013). Parmi ses résultats, il trouve qu’à la suite du 11 septembre 2001, plus un récipiendaire de prêts de la Banque mondiale a reçu un montant important d’assistance militaire américaine, plus le montant des prêts qu’il reçut de la Banque fut important. Bien que ce résultat soutienne la thèse que les attentats du 11 septembre aient amené les États-Unis à utiliser la Banque mondiale pour soutenir ses intérêts comme durant la guerre froide, la Banque apparaît avoir laissé moins de place aux considérations politiques dans l’allocation de ses prêts après la dislocation de l’URSS et plus significativement entre 2001 et 2013.
Pendant ses études, il a également été assistant de recherche à la Chaire de recherche du Canada en économie politique internationale. Son rôle principal consistait à fournir des analyses statistiques et des graphiques basés sur la base de données TRade and ENvironment (TREND).
Il est actuellement agent d’information à Affaires mondiales Canada (AMC).

Intérêts de recherche

Économie politique internationale; Relations internationales; Aide au développement

Rapports et documents de politique

  • Morin, JF and D. Thériault, 2019. Copyright Provisions in Trade Deals: A Bird's-eye View. CIGI Policy Brief no 149.

    • No fewer than 107 preferential trade agreements (PTAs) include provisions on copyright protection.
    • Some PTAs refer to multilateral copyright agreements or replicate their requirements, but an increasing share of them also provide obligations that go beyond multilateral requirements.
    • The most active proponents of copyright provisions in PTAs are the United States, the European Union and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA).
    • There is a strong correlation between the propensity to include copyright provisions in PTAs and a country’s interest in copyright protection.

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  • Morin, JF and D. Thériault, 2018, How Trade Deals Extend the Frontiers of International Patent Law, CIGI Papers no 199.

    Bilateral and regional trade deals frequently include patent provisions that go beyond the minimum requirement of the multilateral Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs). They extend the scope of patentability and provide additional rights to patent holders. This paper systematically maps these “TRIPs-plus” agreements. Exploiting a new dataset, 52 TRIPs-plus agreements are found to have been concluded between 1990 and 2017. The major proponents of these TRIPs-plus agreements on patents are the United States, followed by the European Union and the European Free Trade Association. Other technology-rich countries, such as Japan and Korea, have surprisingly few TRIPs-plus provisions on patent protection in their trade agreements. Few South-South trade agreements include TRIPs-plus provisions, but some include TRIPs-extra provisions on genetic resources and traditional knowledge. Having a clear picture of these TRIPs-plus agreements is essential as they can have important social and economic consequences, including for the development of innovations and access to technologies.

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Documents de vulgarisation

Essais, mémoires et thèses

  • Thériault, Dimitri. 2018. "Et si Machiavel avait été banquier ? : Une étude sur l’allocation des prêts de la Banque mondiale". Université Laval. 139 p.

    This research studies the allocation of World Bank loans with panel data covering up to 115 countries over three time periods: Cold War (1973-1990), post-Cold War (1991-2000), and post-September 11 (2001-2013). Among our findings, we show that the more a state receives a large amount of loans by the World Bank, the more it supports the US foreign policy. At the same time, our data reveals that recipients of World Bank loans are on average closer to Russian foreign policy than American foreign policy for all periods under consideration. We argue that these results provide evidence that World Bank’s loans are used to buy and reward supports or abstentions for specific resolutions in the United Nations rather than for all the ones adopted in a session. Our study furthermore indicates that after September 11 terrorist attacks, World Bank recipient countries receiving the greatest amount of US military assistance were also the ones receiving the largest loans by the Bank. Although this supports the thesis that the events of 9/11 led the United States to use the World Bank in their national interests as during the Cold War, we find that the Bank appears to have limited political considerations in the allocation of its loans after the collapse of the USSR and especially between 2001 and 2013.

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